Now that you are here... Where do you want to go?

¿Do you want to go to Malaysia or to Uganda?

Or maybe you want to know why we are in Uganda.

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

First stop: London

Somehow it is much easier to begin in this way. You Take a plane and you go to a country that you already know and go to your best friend's house. Besides, you have already been in the city a couple of times and you don't really need to go sightseen or walk around the city during the whole day. In some other moment I would do it, but now I still have a couple of matters to solve, like the blog and the web. So I can enjoy Fernando and Pamela's company. Because since Fernando came to London... already five years ago?, we hardly have seen each other.

So here we are, invading their living room and enjoying some days of realx before going to Malaysia. And I do need to rest, because on tuesday noon (London time) i will be taking a plane to flying to Kuala Lumpur. I will land there at 7:25 in the morning (local time), which means 0:25 London time.. nice, I have to get up when I am supposed to go to bed. After taking the train to Kuala Lumpur and going to Zuzana's place (by metro or by taxi in a huge traffic jam) I will have to go for the camera I have reserved in a shop and then to the Malaysian Tourist Office to fix a schedule that I need for the photography permission.

I would like to be positive, but I am afraid that these two simple things will take a while to be done, especially the steps in the tourist office. If when I will arrive home in the evening, I have managed to have the camera in my hands and I have fixed the schedule for my trip, I will feel absolutely satisfied.

Once I get these two things, my new tasks will be printing my business cards, buying one or two lenses for the camera, memory cards, an external hard drive, probably a good monitor for the computer (maybe i can delay this one), good shoes for treking, some clothes suitable for rain forest, a good insect repelent... and the rest of stuff coming up in my mind.

I think that after all that I will have the ideas more clear and I will be able to keep you up tu date. But now, let's enjoy these days in London before the adventure. Don't you think so?

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