When you move to another country, the first thing you need is a place to live. But from Spain, maybe it is not so easy to find the right one. I was trying to find something before arriving but anything I could find could be classified into two options: You know it is good, but it is too expensive (around 1200$ + VAT), or it has a reasonable price, but then... how do you know it is good enough?
So we decided that, for the beginning, we could find a backpackers' place for a couple of days and search for a place once we were in Uganda. We checked a little bit on the Internet and we thought that a hostel in Kampala called Red Chilli Hideaway could be a good option. And it was.
It is clean, nice, and the staff is really helpful. It's a good budget accommodation. And on top of that, it is a funny place. You can enjoy sitting under a tree reading your book while you enjoy all the nature around you, including the monkeys that can come from time to time, the goats that are around, or even that big pig which is sleeping most of the time.
This is fine for some days, but you can not stay there forever, which is why from the very beginning we started to look for a place to rent. We were checking notice boards, asking everybody we are meeting here, looking for through Internet, and then, visiting different houses and rooms.
I think we were quite lucky, in less than one week we decided that one of the places we saw was nice and we decided to take it.
So here we are, sharing a house in a local estate in Kampala. It is nice, clean, safe and relatively close to the centre. We are living with young Ugandans; they are very nice, and it is always very interesting living with local people: you get to know better the local customs, it is easier to know where you can have your shoes repaired if you need it, you can know the right price for the public transport no to pay the muzungu price (we are muzungus, that's how we foreigners are called in Luganda, the local language) and it is definitely the best way of knowing the local food, especially if you live with Brendah, our housemate, who really likes cooking, and you bet, she can cook.
This is Brendah.

This is Brendah cooking.

And these are some of Brendah creations:
Pilao with vegetables
Liver and vegetables with chapati
Chicken in two peppers sauce
She cooks almost everyday for all of us, and from time to time her fiends and she cooks for everybody. For example, her fiends came to spend the elections day at home, so Brendah cooked for all of us. And don't think she did precooked pasta; she prepared five different things which put together in the plate made a typical Ugandan meal. So we all had a nice lunch in the backyard.

That's the backyard. Do you want to see where we live?
Welcome to our home, please come in....
This is our room. Now we have a mosquito net on the bed:
And this is the kitchen:
Do you like it?
You are welcome to visit us whenever you want!
28 February 2013 - If you reached here because you are thinking about living in Uganda, I hope you enjoyed the post, but don't stay just here, go a bit further and read the coments. ;-)
2 comentarios:
Hi all!
After receiving yesterday a comment in the Spanish version of the blog (wfogg.blogspot.com) asking about how we made to share the house with Ugandans, I replied with another comment which I think it is worth sharing also in this the English version of the blog.
Because the fact is that we don't live in that house anymore, we left one and a half years ago because the experience went a bit pear-shaped.
Even if I never publicised this post anywhere and it is not in the list of posts about Uganda, still gets quite a bit of visits. That is why I thought several times what I should do with it, because one of the purposes of the blog is to give information about Uganda (or Malaysia, or anywhere else), and nowadays this post doesn't represent the reality.
I don't want to change it or delete it because it is true that it reflects one part of my life from the time when we arrived to Uganda, but on the other hand, and after living in Uganda for two years, we would never share again a house with Ugandans.
My advice, after these years, to that person in the Spanish version of the blog is that if you want to share a house I would do it with westerns, expats, or at least with people who have lived in countries similar to yours and experienced a similar education (meaning quality) as yours along their life.
Please, don't try to read further than what it is written in these lines, it is just an opinion that I would have liked to know when I arrived to Uganda. Nothing more than that.
And in any case, enjoy your stay in Uganda! ;-)
Thanks a lot for your help on this. I look forward to reading more articles from you
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